One of the key disciplines many Filipinos struggle with is managing their finances. Admittedly, I’ve been guilty of this since I was younger—and to some extent, I still am. I sometimes overspend on unnecessary things. I help without hesitation, even when it becomes an inconvenience for me.
In a collective culture like ours, it’s not uncommon for us to shoulder the burdens of others. Unlike in Western cultures, where the "I" often takes precedence over the "WE," Filipinos are known for prioritizing family, friends, and even strangers over personal gratification. After all, we’re sometimes dubbed the friendliest people in the world.
However, as I grew older, I became more aware of the consequences of this mindset. I realized it doesn’t always have to be that way. There are times when we must protect our own well-being so we can be better influences on those around us. This realization deepened through my frequent travels over the past few years. Meeting people from all walks of life and different cultures exposed me to diverse perspectives. Their views, opinions, and experiences made me understand that in a societal world, individualism is your shield against exploitation.
With these newfound values, I became more responsible in securing my finances. While helping others is noble, setting boundaries is crucial. One of the most effective ways to practice this is by knowing your numbers. No matter how much you earn, your pocket is not a bottomless abyss. And when tragedy strikes, your best safety net is yourself.
One secret to why I can travel multiple times a year is budgeting. I use planners and meticulously track my expenses. Over the past three or four years, this habit has helped me navigate an adventure-driven life. Moving forward, my focus is on securing my future. And once again, I see that by knowing my numbers, I can build a stable future without becoming a burden to anyone.
Hinumdumi nga ang kwarta naay tawo, mao nga angayan pud nga ang tawo naay kwarta. Kay ang kamatuoran, kung wa tay kwarta, ang tan-aw sa lain nato kay dili tawo.
Mao ra to, skl.
p.s. dili pa ko tawo karon kay wa pa koy kwarta. 😂😂